How to increase concentration with 3 simple steps

2 min readMay 29, 2021


Lack of concentration is a common problem nowadays especially for white collar workers. The deadline for the project comes day by day and you are struggling with lack of concentration so you arent really able to overcome any sort of problem in the project. Certainly this situation isnt for your favor.

I was in this situation many times in my life and I still face it. So I figured out so called “techniques” for myself and they arent working bad for me. I will list the major 3 steps for you. Otherwise I have lots of other rules but its open to discussion that are they really necessary or not.

1- Put yourself out of contact.

Yes, make yourself unreachable for your working period like an astronaut in the space. Do not reply to whatsapp messages, do not talk on phone and dont talk to your colleague sitting next to you. I agree that following this rule might be a bit difficult but stick to this rule at least when your current task requires a good attention-concentration.

Mute your phone

The challenging task stands front of you is most probably more important than the Instagram notification that informs you someone liked your photo. Actually it might be important too depends on who liked your photo, anyway 😁

2- Talk to yourself.

I realize that when I talk to myself through a problem and analysing the problem then it increases my concentration. Talk to yourself, not necessarily with a loud voice but make it like you can read your own mind.

3- Do not release the rope.

What I mean by that is when you are already on top of your concentration, you are really about to find out how to solve your bug then just dont get up and have a walk. If it is really necessary then go but dont make it longer and write notes before you leave the desk. Because once you release the then you might not be able to recover when you come back to your task.

This works so at least for me.

Those are my top 3 rules. Try by yourself whether they will work for you.




Writing about programming,nutrition,human mind and all the other things I’m poorly informed.